Let's nurture our body & mind with the practice of yoga
Yoga is a systematic practice of physical exercise, breath control, relaxation, diet control, and positive thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body, mind, and environment.
The practice entails low-impact physical activity, postures (called asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), relaxation, and meditation. Most people are familiar with the physical poses or yoga positions but don't know that yoga involves so much more.
In the West, several schools of yoga are popular and use some or all limbs of Asthanga-yoga described by Patanjali. The eight limbs are as follows:
- Yama: rules for successful living in society
- Niyama: techniques for managing and purifying self
- Asaana: posture techniques for physical and mental balance (what most people think of as yoga)
- Pranayama: breathing techniques for physical and mental balance
- Pratihara: techniques for detaching the mind from the senses for mental balance and calm
- Dharana: concentration techniques for mental balance and calm
- Dhyana: meditation techniques for mental balance and calm
- Samadhi: ultimate advanced meditation techniques and psychic procedures attained after regular practice for universal consciousness.
Benefits of yoga
- Bring about better sleep and balance hormones
- Boost metabolism
- You will be toned up
- Reduce the need for caffeine
- Make your body energized
- Improve flexibility
- Drain your lymphs and boost immunity
- Improve heart rate
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